Monday, June 29, 2015

Moms on Mondays - Tawny from Arte Del Amor

This week I am so proud to feature a friend, Tawny, on Moms on Mondays!  She is a super talented painted with the cutest little boy (and another on the way!), you must check out her work!  Read her post below and then go shop!

She painted us a portrait of our dogs and I LOVE it!!

What is the name of your shop and how can we find you?  (Shop website, FB, Twitter, IG, etc.)

The name of my shop is called “Arte del Amor” (Art of Love) in Spanish. I mostly use my Facebook and Instagram to update my most recent projects. You can also email me for commission pieces at

Tell us about what you make/sell in your shop.

I am a custom artist and muralist who uses eco-friendly materials whenever possible, especially for children’s murals and nursery murals. My artwork ranges from realistic to abstract works of art. Typically my most popular commissioned pieces are pet portraits, family caricature style portraits and family tree murals. 

How/why did you start making these products and open this shop?

Art and painting has always been part of my life since a very young age, but not until after my brother passed away four years ago did I begin to question my way of living. I decided I needed to make a drastic change for the better or else be consumed by addiction and depression. I decided to regain my inner peace, move forward in the right direction and I used art as a positive healing tool and began painting to create beauty in my world which also brought joy to others as well. Soon after, I noticed I was being asked to paint for others and with such encouragement I decided I needed to turn my everyday hobby into a living. 

How long have you been in business?

I have been in “business” so to speak for a little over 3 years.

What is your background?

I have a BA in Psychology and minor is Spanish from Arizona State University. I plan to go back to receive my masters in Art Therapy in the hopes of opening up an Art Therapy center for individuals with intellectual disabilities and behavioral issues. 

Tell us a little bit about your family.

I am very blessed to say I am happily committed to my loving partner Blake and father to our two year old little boy named Leo Christopher, and we are expecting another little boy in late September. We enjoy traveling and exploring nature whenever we can! 

How does this company help your family?  Or you?

My business helps my family in a lot of ways such as providing basic needs of living and making sure we have a little extra once bills are paid so we can enjoy meaningful family outings together! 

Did you ever think you'd be doing this?  What did you think you'd be doing instead?

I never thought I would be doing what I love, which is a rarity these days. It wasn’t easy in the beginning to build a business but learning to believe in oneself and striving for success has ultimately made me persevere for the best. My business is not only for me but for the future of my children and family. Knowing I can provide and create beauty in what I do is empowering and I hope my children will learn that they too can make their dreams a reality through their dedication, faith and ability to believe in themselves.

Does anyone help you with your shop?

I have a handful of family members and friends whom I owe a great deal of gratitude towards. My parents, my partner, family and friends have and continue to support and believe in me. They have made my crazy business schedule a lot easier, either by taking time out of their day to take care of my son while I work on murals and commission pieces or take photos of artwork for me and help with my website. My most recent mural consisting of 770 square feet of wall space wouldn't have been possible (especially being 25 weeks pregnant), without the help of two dear artist friends. 

How do you find time to run your shop and create products? 

Aside from running my own business, and attending to the needs of my two year old son, I also manage a BYOB art studio…I owe a great deal to my loving family who manage to help with anything possible. I am a night owl and I typically get most commission pieces done at night or when my son takes naps! 

What do you love about this businesses?

I love being able to create and do what I love. Painting for me is a form of therapy and when I can make a client happy with what I have created, I in return become happier. 

What is the most challenging part of this business?

I would say the hardest thing about this business is time management. It was way easier when I didn’t have a two year old and wasn't expecting another…Having to find a balance between work, family, health and sleep isn't easy. Needless to say I have to prioritize my time and sanity accordingly. 

Where do you see your shop in the future?

I hope to one day receive my masters in Art Therapy in the hopes of opening an art therapy center or an art studio/gallery where I can provide art therapy sessions for individuals with special needs as well as feature students’ artwork in the hopes that they too can become empowered through their creations. 

Tell us your favorite product or your most favorite thing you've created?

One of my most favorite art projects was commissioned by the City of Tempe. I painted a bright and bold impressionistic style portrait of Albert Einstein on a utility box in downtown Tempe. It was a proud moment for me, especially since I am a native from Tempe and went to ASU. 

Do you have any advice for future mom-entrepreneurs?

Following and believing in your dreams is possible. You must have faith in yourself and know that what you are doing is for the benefit of your family and yourself. When you can provide and do what you love for your family it is an empowering experience. A favorite quote of mine from Albert Einstein reminds me daily to believe in myself and my work… “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” 

What are some of YOUR favorite shops/products, besides your own?

I like to shop and support local businesses. Nova Sol Holistic Studio is created by an awesome mama, named Amy, who makes yummy organic and holistic body scrubs, body butters/creams/ointments, baby products etc. 
I try to use vegan products and kid safe products! This studio rocks! 

Thank you Tawny, so happy to have you!!  :)

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