Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Baby Boy - 22 Weeks

I'm feeling good this week just really tired.  I haven't had much of a chance to put my feet up and every night after work (and in the mornings) I am just dead tired.  I am still out of breath, still have this weird cough but the tired is just getting to me.  Hopefully I can snap out of it because I have no vacation coming soon!

I do hate January though and am happy it's warming up a bit here in Arizona (bring on the mid 70's!).  I can't wait until February and Spring, my favorite time because it's almost SUMMER!!

Yoga teacher training started last week (see my other post) and that could be why I am so tired.  I also have been putting the finishing touches on Lemon's room (that post is coming next week!) and just doing general house and life stuff - it's all too much.  I have been rethinking a lot of the jobs I've decided to pile on myself but nothing can be taken away so I will just have to adjust, and go to bed earlier.  Even when I'm dead tired I stay up until 10:30-11pm, I have to break this habit for sure.

New glitter floor hangs until our rug comes!

My boobs are still huge and now they are doing that thing where if I sit and slouch, they can rest on my belly!  I go to the doctor today so see how much I've gained but so far it's only 13 pounds total so that's pretty good.  I found this picture from when I was 23 weeks with Lemon and feel like I was bigger in it, so that makes me feel better too.  I gained 45 pounds or so the first time and it was tough to lose it, I just don't want to have to work that hard (with two kids!) again!  Hahahaha.  Trying to stay healthy and fit this time around, still going to my regular intermediate yoga classes, and walking 1-2 days a week at school.  I just hope I can keep both of these up, in light of me being so sleepy!

I may just stop this post to take a quick cat nap at my desk since I don't have kids in my room.  Here I go . . .

15 minutes later and I'm back, feeling the same as before, ha.  Oh well . . .

We were off on Monday for Martin Luther King Jr. Day and it was lovely.  We got to take Lemon to her Music Together class, donuts after and then later to the dentist.  It was her second appointment (she went with me this summer) but her first appointment where she got her teeth cleaned!  It was SO cute and she did so well, no tears and was such a brave girl.  However, be warned parents, during the cleaning she kept licking the cleaner (it was orange flavored) and swallowing and the hygenist didn't tell her not to swallow it (and neither did we, didn't think of it) so on our way home, in the car, she threw up!  I pulled over at the stop sign feet from our house because she said she was going to throw up, got her out just in time and she threw up in the street by our house.  I asked if she was sick and she said no it was the dentist who made her sick.  She was fine after so I'm pretty sure it was the swallowing of all that cleaning stuff.  Poor baby!!

 This dentist was my dentist as a kid, after we moved here from Oregon, so fun to see him also checking her teeth!!

And then of course we had to play dentist after, all afternoon until dinner.  Thank goodness she just wanted to check Daddy's teeth!

Our Recycling Club helped to weed one of our three gardens at school during lunch.  These kids are so awesome!

Putty and the evolution of a wink while I made chicken enchiladas one night (she can wink now, so cool!):

Playing, a bath and snuggles before teacher training:

I didn't want to leave!

Ian took Lemon downtown to find some art and they had a fun adventure on Saturday while I was at teacher training.  And Friday, while I was gone, they had fun with Miranda and Jonah at our house.  I'm sad I missed all of it!

Icees at Target and putting on a show at Barnes and Noble before dinner with friends on Saturday night:

Sunday night ice cream date at our favorite, Sweet Republic!

 Lemon was yelling, "I want chocolate, I want chocolate!"  Hahhahaa

A very busy weekend full of teacher training and family fun!  I'm happy it's over and that next weekend I don't have training!

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