(All photos on this post are by My Wild Childrens Photography)
What is the name of your shop and how can we find you?
My shop is Hawks Homestead and I'm also on Instagram, Facebook and Etsy.
Tell us about what you make/sell in your shop.
I make all-natural personal care products in small batches using pure, therapeutic grade essential oils. They are everyday items, aimed at replacing your store bought stuff and helping to reduce your toxic load. The core product line includes probiotic deodorant, essential oil rollerballs, salves, and sprays.
When I was pregnant with my 1st child, I spent seven of the nine months throwing up. I was miserable and looking for alternative options, and was introduced to essential oils. After 2 years of experimenting for personal use, I developed a core line of products I loved and used every day to share with others.
How long have you been in business?
I unofficially opened in March 2015 when a few friends asked to purchase my probiotic deodorant. I setup Hawks Homestead, LLC in October 2015 to go legit and take my hobby, and budding side business, to the next level.
What is your background (college/career/etc.)?
I have a degree in Political Science from the University of Mount Union. Upon graduation, however, I chose to go into business with my dad who owns a Digital Marketing Firm. I’ve worked for The BonannoGroup, Inc since it was started over 10 years ago. During that time, I’ve helped countless companies brand and market themselves using the Internet. I’ve been dying to put them to use on something I’m passionate about, and now put my experience to work building Hawks Homestead, LLC.
Tell us a little bit about your family.
My husband and I met our junior year of college at the University of Mount Union. Also a Political Science major, he insisted I’d be his eventually . . . even though I had another boyfriend when we met. {Ha!} After four years of dating, we married in 2009. In 2013, we welcomed our son, Cole, into the world. This August, we’re expecting our second child. We are hard workers, but remember that the most important thing in life is family. We enjoy being outdoors and trying new things. One day, we hope to own a huge plot land and go off grid. Until then, we live in a small suburb, in a small mid-century modern ranch and just dream big.
How does this company help your family? Or you?
Since we use all of the products I make, we are a healthier family for it. We have been able to replace almost all of our personal care products with chemical-free, all-natural versions. Many of them – especially the essential oil rollerballs – keep us feeling our best and give us control over our health. As a mom, this is huge. We’ve also been able to save money by using them ourselves, and I can bring in additional income through selling. Our goal is to use the funds generated by Hawks Homestead, LLC to purchase land and build our dream home. I have big plans of growing the company from a simple, personal care products line to a lifestyle brand. We’re all about leading simpler, healthier, happier lives . . . and I want everything that Hawks Homestead, LLC does to embody those ideals.
Did you ever think you'd be doing this? What did you think you'd be doing instead?
I’ve made a few life choices that I wouldn’t have expected as a college student. I’d intended to be an attorney, but after committing to see my husband through law school and watching the student loan debt mount, things played out differently. I am beyond lucky to work for a family-owned company by day. I work from home, which is huge with a toddler, and it is a big bonus in work/life balance. While Hawks Homestead, LLC sort of built itself out of nowhere, I have always known I wanted a business to call my own. Was that/is that business a personal care products company? Probably not. However, I love being able to share something I make with my hands. I also think it’s really important to produce something that adds value to the world – and developing products free of chemicals and preservatives is a noble thing to do.
Does anyone help you with your shop?
No. Right now, I’m the chief cook and bottle washer. Having a background in Digital Marketing, I’ve been able to startup using minimal funds and relying mostly on my own skills. I make every product from scratch without bases, design/print/cut the labels, and package them for shipping.
How do you find time to run your shop and create products?
Since I work from home with my day job, I save a few hours out of my day by not having to get ready or commute to work. I’m not ashamed to say jammies are my uniform. However, I’ve found that being extremely organized and having good time management skills goes a long way. I generally only produce products on the weekends. I also try to only package/ship twice per week on Wednesdays and Sundays, after bedtime. It’s definitely a struggle working a full-time day job, growing a baby/managing a toddler, and building a sizable business. However, I’m passionate about Hawks Homestead, LLC and I love the products I make… so most of it doesn’t feel like work to me.
What do you love about this business?
I love having a creative outlet where I can produce something with my hands. When you work a desk job like Digital Marketing, it’s definitely creative, but it’s not quite the same thing. I love the process of making my items and labeling them, there’s such a sense of accomplishment in holding a finished item. I also adore getting out of my house and working a market, or catching up with other business owners. Since I work from home, I miss that human interaction and there’s nothing like connecting with your customers or other creatives in person.
What is the most challenging part of this business?
I’m the worst with bookkeeping. It’s something I have to do in a limited capacity for our Digital Marketing firm, so I dread it for Hawks Homestead, LLC. For most of last year, I treated the company like a hobby and kept things really lose. However, setting up an LLC and registering to pay sales tax, etc. will force you to get your ducks in a row very fast. I save everything, but organizing it is another story. If I grow to the point where I can hire other people, a bookkeeper is first on my list!
Where do you see your shop in the future?
I’d love to see Hawks Homestead, LLC expand more into wholesale. There are so many great shops and co-ops that have reached out to me in the past and I haven’t been able to accommodate them. I’d love to grow through that avenue to hopefully reach more customers. I’m big on seeing and smelling things in person, so I think having my products in more brick and mortar stores would be a big benefit. I’m also looking forward to branching out and going beyond being just a personal care products shop. The last few years have been huge for our family in working hard to be healthier and happier, and I want to share our journey through more lifestyle focused blog posts, etc. I’d like to see my customers recognize I do more than just sell stuff . . . and that they can dream big too!
Tell us your favorite product or your most favorite thing you've created?
The only reason a product is found in my shop, is because I’ve used it for myself or for my family and believe in it – so this is a super tough question. If I had to pick, I guess it’d be my Probiotic Deodorant. I’ve tried many natural deodorants and none of them worked. It’s my least favorite product to make, but it does its job well! I’m a sucker for anything with the word probiotic in it.
Do you have any advice for future mom-entrepreneurs?
Working moms of any kind have it tough; the US doesn’t cater to those who are child rearing and business building. However, being a mompreneur does give you sense of control you don’t find working for someone else. It can be scary and hard, but if you’re passionate about what you do and you tell yourself failure is not an option – you will do great things!
What are some of YOUR favorite shops/products, besides your own?
Freshly Picket Moccasins, Fin First, 1820 House Candles, Junque Milk Paint, Put On Love Designs, MetaMorph Jewelry and Ellie Mae's Vintage Boutique.

What a great shop!