Thursday, March 10, 2016

SUDO - Empowering Every Part of You

I don't know about you guys, but I am overwhelmed.  I am overwhelmed with social media accounts, passwords, privacy, emails, blog features (yes!), Cooking with Lemon videos/features and more - not to mention my yoga teacher training and oh yes, my full time teaching job!  I need a break, and thank goodness for Spring Break being only 2 days away!  Wahoo!  I was also recently introduced to an app that can help all of us get more organized, and keep our lives more private and secure, called Sudo.  I recently downloaded it, love it, and wanted to share it with you!

For those who don't know, our family has multiple Instagram accounts, a YouTube channel, Pinterest boards, Facebook pages, Twitter accounts, websites and shops.  It's really hard to manage it all and keep track of where I need to post when, what I need to feature/take pictures of and how I get my information to shops and other people I'm collaborating with; without giving them all of my personal information.  It's almost a part time job, trying to get it all organized, in between grading papers and being a kind human to my 175 high school students as well - oh and a mom to my girl . . . and a pregnant mom at that!  (Did I also forget to mention a loving and attentive wife?!)  Sometimes I feel like it's too much and I can't keep it all straight, and that I'm just putting too much out there into cyberspace and it makes me a bit nervous.

Some of our social media accounts and websites.

What my desk looks like, covered in post-its of things to do.

Me at my desk, a stack of papers to grade, my blog open, an open popcorn bag and Sudo on my phone.  Ha!

Meet Sudo, an app that says it is "The most powerful way to take control of your identity, and life while __________ (fill in the blank with selling, socializing, dating, searching, etc.).  You can now use all of the social media and store fronts you already have, safely and securely with Sudo.  It allows you to create multiple identities, with multiple email addresses/phone numbers, and then use them when shopping, using social media or online dating even.  You can browse the internet with your identity as well, keeping your searches private and secure (great for a teacher!).  It also helps you block ads based on your past purchases, something that can be super annoying when you've already found that perfect swimsuit, but those dang ads keep showing you more, and more options!  You can even link your Apple Pay to it and create single use, disposable, virtual credit cards so that sites aren't storing your information, or payment information too (Sudo Pay).

I have always thought about how much of our information is out there.  I often google myself (teacher problems) just to make sure, and google Lemon as well, because it's scary to think how much of her is out there too.  This app makes it easy to securely browse/post/manage all of your accounts without the fear of putting even more of yourself out into cyberspace.  Something we all need to be more mindful of, I think.

And, Sudo makes it easy to keep all of your email accounts/texts in one place.  You can have your emails and texts together, with a phone number that is private, secure, and not your actual phone number.  Great for a business or someone in the dating world.

When you start using the app, it walks you through how to set up your first profile.  You pick your name, see if the app is available in your location (more locations coming soon) , then you pick your color scheme, profile picture and phone number (not your number, a choice from a list they give you).  Then, you pick an email address that they also generate for you.  After you've chosen all of your details, it walks you through a tutorial on how to use the app.

Being a teacher, this is kind of exciting for me.  I now have an email address and phone number that aren't mine, aren't searchable on the internet by any students, and that I can use to communicate with my students, and their parents, without them having my actual information.  How cool is that?!  Privacy is huge when it comes to my online life and my personal, teaching life, and Sudo makes it super easy to keep those separate.  And, if I want, I can generate another phone number and email for my shops and social media accounts.  So awesome!

I encourage you to download the app and start using Sudo for all of your social/online needs!

(This is a sponsored post, but all reviews/opinions expressed within are my own.)

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