A couple of nights ago, Lemon and I made her favorite dish together, Pad Thai, and used some of Boon's new toddler mealtime and cleanup supplies as part of their Boon's Recipe for Toddler Mealtime Success campaign. Lemon loved the plate/platter, cup and utensils and I loved the Forb Mini (for cleaning your dishes) and Span (for keeping your toddler dishes secure in your dishwasher). Both are new and available for purchase at Target.
I have no idea how Pad Thai came to be Lemon's favorite thing to cook for dinner, but it is, and she asks to make it at least once a week. She helps from start to finish, and even stirs the veggies in hot pans and taste tests warm noodles. She really does love cooking and when she cooks with her mama, she never makes a mess!
Gathering ingredients.
Taking a water break with her Boon Snug Straw cup, these are awesome and come with sippy (Spout) lids too for little guys.
Playing with the Forb Mini - she said it looked like an octopus.
Our shirts are Sweet Tees Apparel.
Always gotta share a smooch while cooking.
The recipe we used for Pad Thai is just one I kind of made up, along with using the Thai Kitchen Pad Thai noodle kit and extra Thai Kitchen Pad Thai Sauce. It is also gluten free, of course!
2 chicken breasts
Thai Kitchen Pad Thai Noodle Kit
Thai Kitchen Pad Thai Sauce
1 cup broccoli
1 cup carrots
1/2 cup peppers (one pepper)
1/2 cup onions (half onion)
Olive oil
We put a pan on, with olive oil, and then cut up the veggies and added them, cooking them thoroughly. Then we added pad thai sauce to them and set them aside. Then, I cut up the chicken and cooked it in a separated pan, and added pad thai sauce to it and set it aside. As the chicken was cooking I boiled water for the noodles, removed it from heat and then added the rice noodles and let them sit until they were cooked. I strained the noodles and then added everything back into the big Wok at the end, together, stirring it all up. It makes enough to feed all three of us for 2 nights.
Cleaning up was a breeze with the Forb Mini. I like it because it is made of silicone so it doesn't scratch your cookware, or plastic toddler dishes, like a rough sponge or steel wool would. I didn't think it would clean everything as well as it did because of what it's made of, but it did! I would totally recommend it, and it's safe for your toddler to use to clean his/her own dishes off as well!
And the Span is awesome! It holds all of your little toddler dishes/bowls in place in your dishwasher and is super stretchy so it will fit on any dishwasher rack. I also like that it looks like a cool, spider web, such a great idea for all of the tiny parts kids' dishes/cups come with!
The Span and Forb Mini can now be purchased at Target! Get them, you won't be disappointed!
I received items from Boon for review, but all pictures and opinions expressed are my own.

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