These past two weeks have been a jumble and I honestly haven't taken many pictures. Lemon has been sick for a few weeks (weirdest stomach bug ever) and so we haven't done much outside of the house. I am feeling good, just slower, achy and sleeping is a total pain in the butt.
I also started weekly monitoring at my OB for my "advanced maternal age" and driving all the way there from school kind of sucks, just because it's so far away. The first week I didn't get home until 6pm but the 2nd week was faster and I was home by 4:30. Two more weeks of monitoring and then baby - crazy!
He moves around constantly and hiccups at least twice a day. The doc said hiccups are a sign of a healthy baby and that makes me happy, because seriously they are all the time. I also can't get comfortable at night because my shoulder falls asleep, I get a terrible leg cramp (or foot cramp!) or my hip cramps, which is super new to me. I am also hot and hate to turn the air down too low for my family, I'm afraid they'll freeze! It's on 74 now, with a fan on and the window open, but I still wake up sweaty!
I haven't been able to make it to a yoga class lately, too much to do at home, so my body definitely feels different. However, I have still only gained 30 pounds total so that's good, 15 pounds less than last time. When the doc measured me I was supposed to measure 36 weeks but measured 34, smaller, but she didn't seem concerned. I also haven't had time to walk on the treadmill at school, too much to do in my classroom too - planning for a long term sub and packing up. Ugh. I think I am finally done!
What else? My brain is fried, we have 4 days of school left, Lemon has been sick and I have yoga this weekend, I can't think. So, here are some pics!
Week 36:
Week 37:
Lemon was in her first play at the Valley Youth Theatre, she was the cat in the Little Red Hen. YouTube video coming soon! We got to go along with my dad and Uncle Brian, it was SO CUTE, I laughed the whole time, she was GREAT!!
We also went to prom for our 8th year in a row, SO MUCH FUN! Mardi Gras themed. :)

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