"Go with the flow," isn't that just the motto of motherhood?! I have definitely learned to go with the flow much more this time around, and wish that I had raised Lemon as I am raising Indy, with less stress and worry, and just a calmer attitude about everything. It just sucks you have no idea what you're doing the first time around, so you can't raise your first as your second, but man I wish I could have. I am totally having way more fun an it is so much easier the second time around. New mamas, just remember - they all grow up to be 10 year olds no matter if they were bottle or breast fed, if they didn't sleep or slept and if they cried all the time. We all survived and you will too!
Speaking of going with the flow- as I mentioned before I do not really have a preference for bottles or pacifiers really. I just use what works and this time around things are definitely a little different with Indiana then they were with Lemon.
Lemon was confused by nipples, all different kinds (including mine) and never slept because she was probably starving. We started supplementing with formula at night in hopes that she would sleep better (she didn't) and we just used whatever bottles I got for my baby shower.
This time around I wanted to make educated decision regarding bottles so I came across The First Years Breastflow Starter Kit (available on
Amazon). These bottles were supposed to be great for gas and spit up (I have very gassy, spit-up-y babies) and the nipple is supposed to mimic the breast.
Some other great details about this kit:
Unlike traditional nipples, baby uses suction and compression, just like breastfeeding.
Supports every combination of breastfeeding and formula feeding.
2-in-1 silicone nipple works like your breast, letting your baby instinctively control the flow.
- Works with breastmilk and formula.
- Wide neck design for easy filling.
- Easy to assemble and clean.
- BPA-Free
- Dishwasher-safe
And it comes with:
Two 5 oz. bottles with slow flow nipples
- Two 9 oz. bottles with medium
flow nipples
- 4 storage lids
- A container for formula
or snacks
- A full-size gentle bottle & nipple brush for
That is a lot of stuff for super cheap, everything you'd need really for your first 6 months of bottle feeding, and maybe even beyond. I had to give these a try, especially as a nursing mama, I'm always up for bottles that are like the boob!
Well, it turns out that Indy wasn't as excited as I was about these bottles. I think that they are too much like a boob, and for a baby that is breastfed most of the time, they were a bit confusing for him. The top is difficult to suck out of (I tried) which is great for a breastfeeding babe who has to wait for milk out of a boob, he just fussed while trying to get it out. It has a two part top, which makes it more like a real nipple, but it is also kind of a pain to clean because you are dealing with 4 parts instead of the standard 3 part bottle. He has used other bottles that aren't so "boob like," but have "natural" nipples, and has been ok, I just think these maybe were too similar and he was like, "Where's my mama?!" :)

I also know that what one baby doesn't like, another will love, so this is just my experience with this bottle, feeding a 3 month old. We will try again when he's a bit older and maybe he love them, who knows? Another baby may love the similarity to a boob that these have, definitely give them a try and see if your babe likes them.
Indy didn't really "go with the flow" but I'm happy we tried these out to see what they were like. Very interesting design and I like how they come with everything you'll need, all in one kit. Very convenient for a new mama.
I received this product in exchange for a review, but all opinions expressed are my own.

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