Two kids means that you have to let some things go when you have your second baby. Besides the normal things like your body, alone time, workouts, full meals - you also have to let other things go like bottles vs. the boob and formula vs. breast milk. For reals.
I went back to work 4 years ago when Lemon was 3 months old and this time, with Indy, I don't have to return until he is 5 months old - so awesome. But, going back to work means daily pumping and not being around to nurse my babe whenever I want. Boo. It also means that I should be stock-piling a supply of milk that I really don't have time to do this time around. Second kid life, for sure. By this time, 4 years ago, I had ounces and ounces of milk in the freezer because I really didn't do many bottles with Lemon before returning to work. There was really no need, I would just bring her where I went because there was just one of her, and even though I hated nursing until she was 6 months old, I powered through. But, this time around, Indy gets a couple of bottles, a couple of times a week, because I like to have nights where I can take Lemon places on our own, or nights I had to go to yoga (for teacher training), or yoga nights now where I just get to have some "me" time. SO important. I had to just let that part go, with having another, and I am really proud of myself for not making a big deal about it. You gotta do what you gotta do as a mom, definitely.
Indy also get some formula, more than Lemon did, just because I don't have a big stock pile of milk happening at the moment. I don't have time to pump (since I'm on my own during the day/week), don't want to spend time pumping when I could be playing with Lemon or Indy, and think "I'm home with them, why pump?" But, I do try to stay one day ahead so at least when I'm gone one of the bottles he gets has milk in it. I am not against formula, by any means, I think that whatever works for you works for your family. Do whatever it takes to feed your baby, mamas. ;)
If you are doing some bottles, like me, or all bottles, you've got to try out Nuby's Natural Touch Infant Bottle with Easy Latch Nipple. Indy definitely likes this bottle - it's for babes 0+ months, comes in a 9 oz size, is for regular bottle feeding and it has a breast size nipple that encourages latch on. The bottle nipple flexes, stretches and moves just like mom's nipple. It is "anti-colic," BPA free and you can get it at Walmart, Babies R' Us and Target. Great for nursing mamas or not nursing mamas, the natural touch would be beneficial for all babies.
Ian loves this bottle and is happy because Indy likes it. When I'm not around and he's dealing with a fussy muffin AND a four year old, he's happy if Indy is happy and Indy is happy if he gets food into his tummy in a timely manner. :)
This two are just oh so cute, and I'm lucky to have a husband who supports my nursing relationship but will bottle feed my babe while I'm gone playing with Lemon or doing stuff for me as well.
I never knew what bottles to buy the first time around, and was just as clueless this time around, so hopefully my recommendation of this bottle will help other mamas out there. Happy babies are what it's all about!
I received these items in exchange for a review, but all opinions expressed here are my own.

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