I thought I'd post them here so you could download them yourself, and then modify them to fit your kiddos. We have seen a change in Lemon, after doing them for a month, when it comes to her not wanting to do things. When she says, "I can't do that," or "That's too heavy," we just remind her that she is strong and she can do anything she puts her mind to.
It's funny because now these are just a part of our nightly routine (and she has almost memorized them) but they do give her no excuse during the day. She remembers to be a nice friend and to be kind and helpful, it's the best. I think after another couple of weeks I'll probably change them up a bit too.
Anyway, here they are for you to have, and modify however you wish! I want to give a shout out to my girl Bradey (@bradey) on IG, who I "stole" this idea from. Her little girl Adelaide is around the same age as Lemon and she was the winner of my very first giveaway on here, 4 years ago! Crazy! Anyway, give her a follow, she now has two beautiful babes and is adopting another! :)
Thanks for following along on our adventures, we love you guys!

Great article, love your sharing so much, thank you!